The following is a sample of the clients and projects that Equalis has successfully worked on.

South Asia Regional Infrastructure Connectivity (SARIC)
We created a compelling 3-episode mini podcast series Gender and Social Inclusion Matters in Infrastructure, for SARIC. The aim was to ignite fresh conversations and inspire innovative thinking about inclusive infrastructure. A panel of industry experts from Australia and South Asia engaged in thought-provoking discussions, facilitating knowledge exchange, exploring existing challenges and roadblocks, and uncovering invaluable lessons in conceptualising, designing, and constructing inclusive infrastructure.

PLAN International (Australia)
We conducted a gender equality, disability and social inclusion audit of selected Plan International Australia’s (PIA) projects from the Asia Pacific region. A baseline was established with recommendations on how projects could take their gender equality and social inclusion work to the next level.

Partnerships for Infrastructure (P4I)
At Equalis we developed a consolidated report of how gender equality and social inclusion is being addressed in infrastructure investment in Southeast Asia, drawing out lessons to guide and inform the approach and work of P4I. The focus on Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia and with a special interest in energy, transport and telecommunications.

CARE Australia
We conducted a peer review and appraisal of CARE’s ‘Partnerships for Gender Equality in the Pacific’ program in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and Tonga for future investment by DFAT.

International Women’s Development Agency
We joined the core group of the Australian Feminist Foreign Policy Coalition, convened by the International Women’s Development Agency, to support and advocate for a feminist foreign policy working across foreign policy, defence, security, women’s rights, international development and other related sectors.

The Equality Institute
We delivered a series of workshops on gender impact assessments for Equality Institute’s work on upskilling Victorian Government staff to meet the requirements of the state’s Gender Equality Act.

The WeEmpowerAsia (WEA) Program
WeEmpowerAsia is a joint program by the European Union and UN Women aimed at increasing the number of women who lead and participate in private-sector businesses in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. Equalis provided technical advice and guidance to support the uptake of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), and to develop strategic priorities for women’s economic empowerment programming.

The Asia Foundation
We conducted a gender equality and social inclusion analysis to inform the design of an 18-month, five-country project that aims to address the immediate threat and longer-term implications of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

Crisis Management Institute Finland
and Conciliation Resources
We documented lessons learned by peacebuilding organisations in integrating gender into their work.
Integrating gender in the DNA of peacebuilding: Learning with peers

Australia Awards
We provide ongoing advice and support initiatives to mainstream intersectional gender equality, disability and social inclusion in the Australia Awards South Asia & Mongolia program. We have also led an Australian Professional Opportunity on Gender Equality and Respect in the Workplace for this program. We have supported the Australia Awards Southeast Asia program’s Australian Professional Opportunity on Executive Skills: Practical Initiatives for Gender Inclusive Workplaces.

George Washington University
Equalis facilitates the GenderPro Course (long and short) to develop the global capacity of governments, multilateral agencies, private sector, development and humanitarian NGOs in integrating gender into programs and policies.

Community Works
Engaged in business development activities to foster partnerships and collaborations between Community Work’s program initiatives and Aboriginal and Government organisations in the Northern Australian region.